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1. pacificREVIEW 

A West Coast Arts Review Annual

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pacificREVIEW considers only previously unpublished work. You may submit up to a total of three pieces of work from any genre for consideration in this edition. When submitting content, we highly recommend that you include a statement regarding how your work responds to the edition theme.

Simultaneous submissions: We ask that if any of your pieces are simultaneously submitted elsewhere, this information be included in your cover letter. If the piece is accepted elsewhere, please notify us immediately.



· Limit: 2 typed-pages per poem

· Format: Microsoft Word document (.doc, .docx)


· Prose includes short stories, creative non-fiction, flash fiction, experimental form fiction/nonfiction, etc.

· Limit: 5,000 words per piece (please submit double-spaced, unless the form is contingent to certain spacing)

· Format: Microsoft Word document (.doc, .docx)


· Visual Art includes photography, traditional medium art (pencil, paint, ink, etc.), digital art, mixed media, graphic narrative*, etc.

*Graphic narrative panels must fit two pages/one page-spread.

· Format: Please submit as a high resolution (300 dpi) PDF.


Pacific Review is committed to publishing work that is diverse in its storytelling and artistic expression.

To learn more about pacificREVIEW, visit or follow us on our social media accounts (Insta: @pacificreview; FB: @PacRev).

Questions? Email

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2. West Coast Review

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We are currently open to submissions for Issue 2. All submissions will be considered for publication in both print and electronic format. We accept simultaneous submissions. Please withdraw your submission if accepted elsewhere. We do not accept previously published work. We do not consider work posted to blogs, personal websites, or social media to be previously published. We do not accept work that has been created with AI. You must be at least 18 years of age to submit.

West Coast Review acquires first North American serial rights and electronic rights. We provide 2 contributors copies to all contributors accepted for publication. Response time: 6-9 months.

Submit to:

Include a cover letter with your name, the name you’d like to be published under, and a third person bio in the body of your e-mail. Submit fiction as a word document attachment. Attach art or photography submissions to your e-mail.

Attachments: Please exclude all identifying information about yourself in your attachment. This includes your name and e-mail. Title your file as the title of your submitted work. If you are submitting multiple pieces, title your file as the first work that appears in your submission.

Flash Fiction: 1-3 pieces up to 1,000 words each.
Fiction: 1 piece between 1,000-8,000 words.
Art/Photography: 1-5 pieces. Title your attachments as the title of the work you are submitting. All attachments need to be at 300 DPI. For art, please include the medium you used for its creation in your cover letter. Photography: if submitting images of someone other than yourself, you will need to obtain permission and rights over these images prior to submitting.

We are currently open to submissions for Issue 2. Submissions will close on April 15, 2025. All submissions will be considered for publication in our issues which are released in both print and electronic format. We accept simultaneous submissions. Please withdraw your submission if accepted elsewhere. We do not accept multiple submissions. Please wait to submit again until you have received a response. We do not accept previously published work. We do not consider work posted to blogs, personal websites, or social media to be previously published. We do not accept work that has been created with AI. You must be at least 18 years of age to submit.

West Coast Review acquires first North American serial rights and electronic rights. We provide 2 contributors copies to all contributors accepted for publication. Response time: 6-9 months.

Include a cover letter with your name, the name you’d like to be published under, and a third person bio in the body. 

Attachments: Please exclude all identifying information about yourself in your attachment. This includes your name and e-mail. Title your file as the title of your submitted work. If you are submitting multiple pieces, title your file as the first work that appears in your submission.

Flash Fiction: 1-3 pieces up to 1,000 words each.
Fiction: 1 piece between 1,000-8,000 words.
Art/Photography: 1-5 pieces. Title your attachments as the title of the work you are submitting. All attachments need to be at 300 DPI. For art, please include the medium you used for its creation in your cover letter. Photography: if submitting images of someone other than yourself, you will need to obtain permission and rights over these images prior to submitting.

pacificREVIEW: A West Coast Arts Review Annual